Social Sell Me This Pen
Behind every comb-over and 'Coffee is for Closers' mug is the sales manager asking you to sell him his own pen. This age old tradition has made him believe that the ability to spontaneously sell him his own pen is the make or break of a good sales professional. watching this endearing habit slither lifelessly from the abyss of the 80's into the 21st century we millennials have come to terms with the fact that this test is here to stay. Therefore, if you can't beat them join them but bring what you know about the power of social media! Here's 4 ways to Social Sell Me This Pen!
Social Listening: Social Listening is the process of searching through discussions on social media. Through this method you can get right to the heart of who needs your product, which is in this case, a pen. Use this method to contact users in real time. More skillful social listeners are able to learn underlying needs of users through the boosted transparency of exhibited on social media. By using the post to answer as many questions as possible, you can develop a more sophisticated and effective outreach.
How I'd Do it
The most effective social listeners are the ones directly engaged in conversations. They are not only listening, but asking questions and contributing usable insights. I would collaborate with industry heads with different perspectives, and get a chat going around the specific issue the product sells. 'How do I improve my handwriting?' "How can I learn to draw better" "Is hand writing a dying art?". I won't advertise in the discussion either, but let them get to know me, my personality and what I know about solving the given problem without plugging a product. Those who like, can relate, or trust in me will go ahead and find out what I have to offer.
Giftification: Giftication is the process of selling your product the premise of it being a gift. The objective of this process is to illustrate the potential of your product as a gift by leveraging season, personalization, theme, or culture.
How I'd Do it
Make a viral video for a new love letter campaign. You write short, comical child-like poems and read them via video. If someone likes them they can have them sent to a receiver with a pen. At the end of the note are two boxes. Will you go out with me? Yes or No. Receivers will mark yes or no and post their answers online (picture). You're not selling your pen, adding value, leveraging your audience to market your product.
Social Tribe: A social tribe is a community built around a brand who's participants engage and interact with each other. On a platform where everyone is fighting for numbers, a social tribe builder takes a different, more effective route. Social media isn't about have 100 new followers, but rather 100 newly engaged followers.
How Che Does it
In less than one year Che Nwagbo, founder of Alter Ego Clothing built a Facebook following of over 30,000+ selling corsets and waists trainers. After quitting a choice position at Apple, Che grew Alter Ego community into a world of it's own through a trial and error process of well timed posts, creating an empowering judgement free environment and constant engagement. Users post weigh loss progress, waist training progress and kudos to others, and are empowered to do so through spontaneous contests created by Che herself. Interestingly, the group is closed, and new requests are screened to assure genuineness and sound motives.
Content Marketing: Content marketing is the practice of increasing your exposure by creating content for an audience. The content doesn't sell your product or in this case pen. Instead it sells you as a trustworthy insightful source for pens.
How I would do it
My handwriting is atrocious. I've had small children laugh at me, crushes request I type letters, and nobody wanted to trade notes with me in middle school. A great content marketing approach would be to start a handwriting improvement blog. I will constantly work on the improvement of my writing and keep the audience engaged with pictures of my work, commentary, videos etc. I'll share stories while writing, and share what I've learned about improving my handwriting. I would also encourage them to join the journey with me. The result is building an audience that knows me and trusts me. If 'start' selling pens 'later', trust, watching me grow, and friendship are all more reasons to buy pens from me and not Office Max.
Now, let me know how you would social sell me this pen?