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Amazon makes a $1.5 Billion dollar bet on ‘Drone Airport’

If you’re not worried about Jeff Bezos’ plans for world domination, wake up. Amazon has announced it’s throwing $1.5 billion dollars at an air hub for it’s Prime Air cargo planes and with this weekend's Super Bowl announcement, we're set to see the service launch 'soon'. The anticipated cargo port will also integrate Amazon’s recently patented drone spitting zeppelin (not making this up) currently referred to as the Airbourne Fulfillment Center. Why does this matter? Because piece-by-piece Amazon’s designs for the future are becoming obvious. So then what’s the big picture?

With a Hail Mary pass at not-yet-legal drone technology, bypassing Fedex, UPS and co to build it’s own delivery network, Amazon is putting together the pieces to a puzzle that’s now revealing itself. Amazon doesn’t plan on competing with Fedex, UPS, or even your business. The company is instead planning on owning the infrastructure needed for you and them to compete, period. Owning the river as opposed to the boats traversing it has been a long time competitive advantage of the company, and its ability to leverage the early mover advantage better than just about anyone it’s the company’s bet for 2017 and the foreseeable future.

The strategy is even the case when it comes to Amazon Go, it’s unmanned, staff-optional brick and mortar venture. It’s becoming clear that Amazon has no plans of using the concept to compete with the likes of Wal-mart, Kroger and co. Instead, Amazon wants the traditional big boxers to realize they need Amazon Go’s revolutionary technology to stay competitive and provide the platform it’s competitors need to survive. As it did with online retailing, cloud technology, and no retail, Amazon’s aggressive march for dominance in the drone wars looks very familiar and in turn very promising.


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