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Secret: Google Launches 'Project Wing'

Alphabet, the artist formerly known as Google, has made received FAA permission to test ‘Project Wing’. Project Wing, under Google’s X division, is a drone application and testing unit who’s currently working with the National Science Foundation will be testing its drone technology at six government specified sites. Now here’s what creeps me out about the whole thing...

Information on the relationship between government and Google is vague at best. I don’t know if Google is fine tuning a way to drop off the ODB coffee mug I’ve been looking up for the past week, or bomb some cave in Afghanistan. Either way Google’s ‘if you can’t beat them join them’ relationship with the US Government when it comes to drones has opened the doors for them as far as testing and research goes. We’ll be following developments from Alphabet closely as this relationship can be leveraged to produce industry leading results. As far as the coffee mug goes, my birthday’s April 4th, thanks.

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